All in Vers Libre
I wrote this poem in vers libre, but structured it in two sestets with 6 syllable lines.
I wrote this poem in vers libre using ten decasyllabic quatrains. A 10 by 10. The title is a double entendre.
Written in vers libre with dodecasyllabic quatrains in three acts. I include an enjambment in act one. I originally wrote this as prose in 2017.
This poem is written in vers libre with septasyllabic lines in five quatrains separated by caesuras and a rhyme scheme of my own.
I wrote this poem in free verse (vers libre) with 11 syllables per line to express the pain of enduring solitude without letting the heart go fallow. Few things build stronger character than those who do not hide from themselves, or their losses.
I wrote this poem in the vers libre form but with decasyllabic lines. It is about a desire to share life’s experiences with another.
I wrote this in basic vers libre. For some, we lose ourselves to the world to find ourselves within. We realize we live entirely in our heads; steeped in our escapism. Outwardly we become silent, so to the world we become nothing. We are free of its superficialities.