

Lift your veil and honor me by your gaze,

that I might look into your arcane thoughts

and read the deepest memoirs of your soul.

I bleed in a field of bygone epos,

enduring to be steeped in your epic.

Where does this pained embattled conscious end?

Where does the fettered subconscious begin?

Perhaps they dance together in a void,

of warring desires in a mortal coil.

Freed in your eyes, cast me upon the sea,

adrift upon your imagination.

Share with me your novel,

and I will share with you my atlas.

I wrote this poem as vers libre, but with decasyllabic lines, save for the final two which are short and direct.

I am the legal and entitled owner of this poetry. It is my intellectual property. No one can legally take, use, claim ownership, republish, reprint, create or generate this content without my expressed written and legal consent.



