Rook Andalus

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Beneath the Cherry Tree

Soothed by tender songs of oscines,
lingering beneath pink blossoms,
still as possums we await,
for a kiss from sweet felled flowers,
Cuddled by scents we breathe for hours,
Dazed in our bewitching state.

I wrote this poem based on the Welsh cywydd llosgyrnog form, using two aicill rhymes in lines 3 and 6 which are written in trochaic catalectic meter. The other 4 lines are written in trochaic tetrameter. I say “based” on the Welsh cywdd llosgyrnog form, because the aicill rhyme in line 6 technically requires the fourth syllable rhyme with the last syllable of the 5th line. However, to do this would undermine the trochaic meter I’ve chosen, thus the use of the aicill rhyme on the third syllable of the final rhyme instead.