Rook Andalus

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step out || far off land

find me || take my hand

let go || all that binds

with me || stop time’s sand


my breath || takes you in

my soul || loosed of sin

my eyes || meet your dream

our hearts || fate’s true kin


rare breed || two as one

set off || free we run

cast spells || love’s deep charm

with you || all is won

I wrote this in the Chinese chueh-chu poetic form in three quatrains, which is the maximum number allowed in this style. As is tradition with Wu-yen-shih meter, all words are monosyllabic with each line having a consistent number of syllables (in this case five), as well as a cæsura after the second word of each line. I chose to use “||” which was the cæsura of choice by ancient Greek poets with whom I have an affinity, particularly Sappho.